Dear Parents, A warm welcome back to all pupils and staff for the 2022/2023 school year. We would also like to welcome our new pupils who entered different classes throughout the school this year. We would like to thank you for your co-operation to date and look forward to getting back to normality in school. Staffing for 2022/2023 Junior Infants, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class – Mrs Olivia Coyne (Class.
May Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May First Holy Communion Our First Holy Communion is on Saturday, 7th May at 1pm in Boher Church. No School Monday 9th May, school is closed as we had originally booked the 18th of March off as 1 of our school holidays and this date was then classed as the Covid Bank Holiday, as a result we had an extra day to take in lieu.
Dear Parents, A few dates for your diary! Staff Meeting Friday, 11th FebruaryWe are having a staff meeting from 12.15 – 3.30 next Friday, 11th February. Children can be collected at 12pm. Staff Training Wednesday 23rd FebruaryWe have to do a half day of training on the Primary Language Curriculum on Wednesday, 23rd February. Children can be collected at 12pm. Midterm BreakNo school on Thursday or Friday, 24th and 25th.
Dear Parents, We made it!! It’s hard to believe that Christmas has finally come. It has definitely been a long few months since we started in September. However, we have remained safe and well and for that we are all so grateful. A few thank you’s: 1.To the Board of Management: A huge thank you to the Board of management for all their support and guidance over the past year..
School Photos County Photos will visit our school on Monday 11th October. All children should wear their full school uniform. Midterm Break Children will begin their Midterm Break on Friday, 22nd October and will return to school on Monday, 1st November. Children may come to school in Halloween costume on Friday, 22nd October where they will participate in fun and games. Christmas Concert The proposed date for our Christmas Concert.
Dear Parents A warm welcome back to all pupils and staff for the 2021/2022 school year. We would also like to welcome our new pupils who entered different classes throughout the school this year. We would like to thank you for your co-operation to date and look forward to working with you as we support the children through these continuing strange times. Social distancing, hand sanitising and other Covid restrictions.
DATES TO REMEMBER Friday, 4th June – Monday 7th June (inclusive) June Bank Holiday (school closed). Friday, 25th June School holidays, school closes at 12pm. Monday, 30th August School opens for 2021/2022 school year. School calendar to follow next week. NO SCHOOL TOUR Due to current restrictions, we have decided not to do a school tour. Instead, we have organised some fun days.
Communion/Confirmation A huge thank you to Fr Oliver for assisting us in getting the First Confession completed with our girlsin Second and Third Class. They had a wonderful day. The provisional date of 15 th May which hadbeen set for the First Communion is not yet certain as we are awaiting clear guidance from theGovernment and our diocese. We will let you know as soon as we get some information..
Dear Parents, We hope that you are all staying safe and keeping well. A few notices for this month. 1. Book Rental and Insurance Many thanks to all those who have paid the book rental and school insurance to date. We would ask those still outstanding if it would be possible to get it into us prior to the midterm break. 2. Child Protection Policy We would like to inform.
I hope you and your families are keeping well and staying safe in these extraordinary times. As you are aware, our school has now been closed since 12th March due to the COVID-19 situation. We are now hoping to re-open our school safely, in line with current guidance and recommendations. Re-opening the school safely will require the co-operation of all members of our School Community – BoM, Staff, Parents and.
Happy New Year to all! A few dates for your diary. Family and Friends Day Our Family and Friends Day will once again take place this year. We are holding it on Friday, 31st January. We hope to have a prayer service at 11.30 followed by a cuppa and some ‘light entertainment’ in the school. We will use this opportunity to showcase our wonderful school to any families who may.
Christmas Play This year’s Christmas Play takes place in Boher Hall on Tuesday 17th December at 7pm. All are welcome. All parts have been given out and in the next couple of weeks we will be looking at costumes, parents help will be needed to dress our actors. Christmas Holidays School will close at 12 noon on Friday 20th of December and will reopen on Monday 6th January. Parent/Teacher Meeting.